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Capítulo 6




El joven decidió usar el tiempo disponible en el fin de semana para averiguar el paradero  de varias personas con las que había estado sentimentalmente relacionado diez años atrás. El verdadero propósito de Alex era constatar si los recuerdos que tenía de aquella época aún conservaban validez.

El sábado Alex se levantó más tarde que lo habitual. Su mente estaba en paz y tenía razones sobradas para estar satisfecho con su vida tanto en el ámbito laboral como en el sentimental. Esa mañana desayunó y salió a caminar por Brooklyn Heights ya que había descubierto que había adquirido una cierta aversión a realizar viajes innecesarios por la ciudad usando medios públicos de transporte, dado que los debía utilizar todos los días de la semana laboral para ir a su trabajo. Salió a pasear sin rumbo por su zona y caminó un rato por el Promenade, la amplia explanada que bordea el East River con una visión espectacular de la parte sud de Manhattan. Sus pasos no tenían un sentido claro más allá de la caminata pero Alex se dio cuenta que lo empujaban insensiblemente en una dirección vagamente familiar en Montague Street. Venciendo su ansiedad miró las casas que se sucedían hasta que encontró por fin la que le resultaba conocida. Subiendo la escalera de cinco peldaños se acercó a la puerta y atisbó desde uno de sus cristales los buzones que se hallaban en el interior del pasillo. Forzando un poco la vista intentó buscar uno de los casilleros que estuviera rotulado como Peter Strauss.

Peter había sido su primera relación neoyorquina diez años atrás, cuando Susana, entonces su novia, había regresado a Buenos Aires con su tía, dejándolo solo en la inmensa urbe luego de una permanencia en su apartamento de Henry Street durante varios meses. El sentimiento de soledad de Alex en aquel momento había sido intenso, ya que era un joven de una clase media de relativamente timorata arrojado en medio de la inmensa urbe neoyorquina. Caminando por el Promenade había conocido a Peter quien se encontraba paseando a su pequeño perrito faldero y se había acercado a él con algún pretexto ahora olvidado.

Aunque Peter tenía una pareja gay llamado John, había visualizado de inmediato al joven errabundo y había detectado su vulnerabilidad emocional. Ese mismo día lo había llevado a tomar el té en su casa y habían terminado en el lecho, en una experiencia gay inédita para Alex. Durante un tiempo corto ambos habían tenido un affaire hasta que surgió Michael, otro gay afroamericano dotado de un  prodigioso instinto sexual que había atrapado a Alex, arrebatándoselo a Peter, a pesar de que eran amigos.

Con esos recuerdos en la mente Alex recorrió los buzones hasta que su corazón dio un vuelco. Uno de los casilleros estaba marcado Apt 3- M.Brown.

En ese momento Alex se percató cual era la razón que había guiado sus pasos hasta la casa de Montague Street. Sin vacilar apretó el timbre del apartamento 3 y esperó ansioso el resultado.

Al cabo de unos instantes respondió por el parlante del portero eléctrico una voz que el visitante reconoció de inmediato.

-¡Hola! ¿Quién es?- Insistió la voz desde el interior.

El muchacho sintió que se había formado un nudo en su garganta y tuvo que forzar su voz para decir.

-Hola Michael. Soy Alex Bianchi.

Del otro lado siguió un instante de estupor hasta que la voz respondió también afectada por la emoción.

-¡Alex!… ¿eres realmente tú?


Ambos hombres se observaron brevemente a través de los vidrios de la puerta de la casa que Michael abrió de inmediato.

– Ven, pronto, pasa.- Dijo tomando a Alex por el brazo e introduciéndolo en el pasillo. Luego, sin pronunciar palabra, lo remolcó literalmente hasta su propio apartamento, que como el joven recordaba se hallaba en la planta baja y del que el dueño había dejado abierta la puerta en su prisa por dar la bienvenida a su visitante. Una vez que ambos se hallaban en el interior el dueño de casa empujó a Alex contra la pared anexa a la puerta y dándole un abrazo le plantó un beso en la boca, que resultó eterno. Cuando el joven pudo liberarse de la cálida recepción y tomaron distancia el uno del otro aprovecharon a mirarse. Alex encontró a su anfitrión ligeramente más gordo,  habiendo ganado diámetro su cintura que ostentaba ahora un vientre amplio, sus caderas sus muslos y sus nalgas, estos últimos prominentes y comparables a los de una mujer. La tez de Michael era más oscura que lo que la memoria del argentino rememoraba y el cabello se hallaba rapado por completo. El dueño de casa se hallaba vestido con una remera y un pantalón de tejido de punto, los que resaltaban sus formas femeninas. Michael aun retenía la cabeza de su visitante entre sus gruesas manos y lo contemplaba tratando de grabar sus rasgos en su memoria.

-El tiempo te ha tratado bien. Estás aun más guapo que cuando te conocí.

-Tengo algunas canas aisladas.

-Lo que te hace más interesante. Además te veo con la musculatura más desarrollada.- Era obvio que el hombre no perdía detalle de aquello que resultaba de su interés. Nuevamente lo abrazó y besó su boca. Mientras lo hacía tomó las manos del joven entre las suyas y las deslizó dentro de la cintura elástica de su pantalón, guiándolas hacia sus glúteos.

-No pierdes el tiempo.- Exclamó Alex con una carcajada.

-Mil veces he soñado con este reencuentro y siempre creí que era imposible.

-Aun no sé si vives solo o acompañado, y que se ha hecho de Peter.

-Ya habré de contar luego.

-¿Luego de que?

-De que te lleve a mi cama y me hagas tuyo.

-¿No vas demasiado rápido? ¿No hace falta mi consentimiento?

Cristelle-Erotic Romance

Genre: Interracial erotic romance



Do you love bwwm interracial romance? Cristelle will awaken your innermost desires and fantasies.

An African and two Haitian young black women live in Buenos Aires, in a completely different ethnic and cultural environment.

They have to adapt to a society that accepts them but of which they often ignore the rules.

In these circumstances they have to make their living and seek love. For these purposes they do not hesitate to resort to magickal means.

A bittersweet novella with high erotic content. You will love it.

Find it in: Amazon printed books: https://www.amazon.com/dp/1530252652


Chapter 1




The woman checked the time on her cell phone and quickened her pace. She had agreed  to meet the boy at six o’clock in the evening on a street corner of that neighborhood in Congreso and it was already six twenty. It was simply not right to arrive so late on the first date, although in this Saturday afternoon there was not a lot of people walking around the area, so crowded on weekdays. The girl vaguely remembered the photo of the young man named Federico, his light eyes and red hair. The appointment had been made by telephone, after an exchange of mails through one of the dating sites that infested Internet. She remembered that the man had also said he was one meter eighty-five centimeters tall and slender so that she figured he would be readily recognizable as she crossed him on the street, but above these considerations Cristelle was sure the boy would immediately recognize her. Born in Cameroon thirty years earlier her black skin stood out in Buenos Aires, as well as her silhouette with generous curves.

“I have to stick to that diet again. I gained about four kilos lately.” She mused as she arrived at the appointed corner.

The woman did not see him because he was leaning on a wall looking at the opposite direction from which she came, no doubt expecting to see her come from there.

“Hello Cristelle.” Said he. “I´m Federico.”

She looked at him and could not conceal a gesture of satisfaction; everything that the photo and the description on the dating site showed corresponded to reality. The tall and somewhat gawky boy and his face with regular features pleased her from the beginning. Cristelle was happy to have agreed to the appointment.

They were sitting in a cafe near the house where the girl lived. They had been talking with no fixed topic for a while and the woman decided to ask for some further details. With her soft French accent she asked.

“Well, tell me more about yourself, starting with your name and where you are from. That ridiculous nickname you use on the dating site is obviously not true.”

“My complete name is Federico Colombo, and I was born in Pergamino.”

“Excuse my ignorance about geography. Where is that place?”

“In the province of Buenos Aires, about 220 kilometers from the capital.”

“And why did you come to live here?”

“To finish my studies.”

“And don´t you have universities in your hometown?”

“There are two, but they do not have the career that interests me.”

“What career is that?”

“Graphic design.”

“Did you live in Pergamino with your family?”

“Yes, my parents own a small farm there.”

“Do you have any brothers and sisters? Rural families tend to be large.”

“Yes, my two brothers are still finishing high school and help my father in the fields. My older sister is married and is a teacher at a kindergarten in the city.”

“How old are you?”

“Twenty-five, as I wrote in the profile of the site you’ve seen. Except for the name, everything else is true.”

“Do you have a girlfriend in your hometown?”

The boy hesitated a moment.

“No a fiancée or a formal girlfriend. Her name is Vanessa. A girl I have gone out with sometimes.”

“Have you slept with her?”

New hesitation.

“A couple of times.”

The boy made a defensive gesture, implying “That will be it for the moment.”

“ Now tell me about you.”

“ My name Cristelle Mboma. I’m thirty years old and was born in Douala, Cameroon.

“Is that the capital?”

“ No, the administrative capital is Yaoundé. Douala is the economic capital of the country, mostly due to its harbor on the Atlantic Ocean”.

“Are you member of a particular ethnic group? I know that in Africa everything is mixed up.”

“ Not any more than it is here. I belong to the bamileke ethnicity, common in Cameroon.”

“Your accent is French.”

“I come from the French-speaking part of Cameroon, but we also have our own tribal dialect. I studied at the Catholic University for Central Africa, though I did not finish my law studies.”

“When did you arrive in Buenos Aires?”

“ About five years ago.”

“The same as me. That explains your good Spanish. And tell me, why did you leave Cameroon?”

“It’s a very poor country, with little chance of progress. My sisters left the country before me.”

“Where do they live?”

“The oldest in Paris and the second in New York. Only my mother is in Douala.”

“What brought you to Buenos Aires?”

“A work offer in a financial company with clients in Quebec and France. They needed someone who spoke good French…and was cheap enough, I guess.”

“Are you still working there?”


Federico slid his right hand on the table and placed it on the girl´s hands, caressing them.

“You’ve a very soft skin.”

“ A feature of my race. Yours is hard, you have calluses.”

“Due to all the time I spent helping my father in rural tasks.”

The young man raised her hand and brought it to his lips, kissing it gently.

“You’re very sweet.” She said.

“Your skin is sweet.” Replied the man.

On leaving the cafe Federico offered to accompany the girl to her home, only a couple of blocks away. He took her hand looking at the envious glances of some guys they crossed in the street who surely at that hour in a Saturday afternoon probably went hunting for the night.

“It’s right  here.” Said  Cristelle stopping in front of a door. It was an old apartment house that had been elegant in its time and was very well preserved. Federico also stopped somewhat surprised.

“What is it? ¿You expected me to live in a pigsty?”- Asked the woman. “¿Too good for an African immigrant?”

The boy did not answer; he passed his left arm around her waist and in one smooth motion pulled her close and both moved towards the door of the house, on which the shadows of the night were already falling. For a moment their faces stayed facing each other at close range, until finally the two joined their lips in a long, passionate kiss that conveyed many ardent messages. Cristelle wrapped her arms over the shoulders of the young man, for what she had to stand on her tiptoes despite being a meter seventy tall. Her hand stroked the nape of the man and messed up his hair. Federico’s hand began to scroll down her waist until it reached her bulging buttocks where it stopped.

“Oh.” Said he.“This is glorious.”

“Another feature of my race.”

“I want to know all those features.”

“Don´t you think you’re going too fast?”

The young man was about to answer when behind them was heard a cluck of two women talking loudly as they reached the door of the building. Cristelle pushed the boy apart and sought to place her clothes in order.

Federico looked frustrated by the sudden cut in a romantic moment but his embarrassment gave way to surprise when he noticed that the woman was talking in French with two black young women accompanied by a girl of mixed blood.

“ Federico, let me introduce you my friends Anabelle and Chantal.” Said Cristelle. “He is Federico.”

Both women presented their cheeks and all exchanged friendly kisses as has become a ritual in Argentina.

“And who it is this beauty.” Asked Federico, referring to the blushing girl who hid behind the pants of the woman named Chantal, evidently her mother.

“She is Lourdy, is seven years old and is my daughter.”

After some incidental comments and yielding to curiosity the boy asked.

“Are you all from Cameroon? I ask that because you all have a slight French accent.”

“No. Replied Chantal.” Anabelle and I are Haitian and came ten years ago, and Lourdy was born in Buenos Aires.”

When Chantal ended with the introductions she drew a computed key that opened the building door and the three newcomers joined it.

“I´ll be up in a moment.” Said Cristelle.

“Have you got the key?” Asked Anabelle.

“Yes. Of course.”

When they were alone again Federico passed his arms around the waist of the African girl saying.

“Where have we left…?”

“Stop! They almost caught us once.”


Swirl(1)Genre:  Erotica

Find it in all stores: (Amazon, Apple, Kobo, and more): books2read.com/u/478p0A

Synopsis (Description):

This anthology includes five nouvelles written by Louis Alexandre Forestier in recent years on different subjects but with a common denominator: romances between African American women and white men. They are therefore part of the vast Swirl movement. The stories are the following:

Keisha- A Swirl Romance

Do you love bwwm interracial novels? Keisha- A Swirl Romance will awaken your hidden fantasies and satisfy your innermost desires.

A beautiful African American woman meets a young white foreigner in New York City. A torrid affair begins in an environment whose values regarding acceptance of interracial couples are changing. The woman experiences the clash between certain taboos and feels that loose fragments of her life strive to come together.
The couple builds the relationship overcoming adversity from the circumstances in which they live.
A contemporary novellawithshrewdinsights on certain deeply ingrained attitudes that often go unnoticed.

Reading it will thrill you.

Valentina-Psychological Romance

This novel will make you explore your most intimate and shameful fantasies, those that you have closed down under social taboos. Whether you are a man or a woman putting them in the light of your conscience and your desires will have a liberating effect.

Starting from a naive contemporary dating a young man has stormy sexual relations involving twisted episodes of erotic sadomasochistic character. An Afro-Colombian immigrant girl will do whatever it takes to conquer and pull him out of his situation.

Reading this novella will compel you to reexamine your true inclinations in hidden and profound themes. You will experience an awakening.

NubiaMagickal Thriller

An infamous network of human traffickers surrepticiously brings young women from Africa to New York. One of the girls escapes and a fierce womanhunt begins. In the desperate defense of her life the girl puts at stake unsuspected resources. The trafficking organization includes members located in upper echelons of power in the city that tighten the knot around her.
A vibrant thriller of the noir subgenre that will keep you in suspense from the beginning to its dramatic end.


Cristelle- An Erotic Romance

Do you love bwwm interracial romance? Cristelle will awaken your innermost desires and fantasies.

An African and two Haitian young black women live in Buenos Aires, in a completely different ethnic and cultural environment.

They have to adapt to a society that accepts them but of which they often ignore the rules.

In these circumstances they have to make their living and seek love. For these purposes they do not hesitate to resort to magickal means.

A bittersweet novella with high erotic content. You will love it.

The Sorceress

An African young woman thrives in New York as the owner of a flower store. As she becomes romantically interested in a young white man she realizes that he is under the influence of a dominatrix of sadistic tendencies owning an agency of escorts. Both women will fight for the man with various weapons including hidden powers, spells, enchantments … and also murder.



Blue Black Skin

Genre: Interracial erotic romance

Blue Black Skin (3)

Buy it in: Amazon Printed version:  https://www.amazon.com/dp/151903055X


An infamous network of human traffickers surrepticiously brings young women from Africa to New York. One of the girls escapes and a fierce womanhunt begins. In the desperate defense of her life the girl puts at stake unsuspected resources. The trafficking organization includes members located in upper echelons of power in the city that tighten the knot around her.
A vibrant thriller of the noir subgenre that will keep you in suspense from the beginning to its dramatic end.




“The Sorceress”

Genre: Steamy romanceThe Sorceress

Buy it in:

Amazon Kindle e-books and printed version: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B071DVCJCG


An African young woman thrives in New York as the owner of a flower store. As she becomes romantically interested in a young white man she realizes that he is under the influence of a dominatrix of sadistic tendencies owning an agency of escorts. Both women will fight for the man with various weapons including hidden powers, spells, enchantments … and also murder.

Kambiri-Forbidden Love

Genre: erotic romance anthology

Kambiri Eng Banner

Find it in:

Amazon Kindle e-books: http://tinyurl.com/ycpuaxtl

Apple iBooks, Barnes & Noble, Kobo, Tolino, 24 Symbols: https://www.books2read.com/u/3J0xNB



This anthology includes five nouvelles written by Louis Alexandre Forestier in recent years on different subjects but with a common denominator: romances between African American women and white men. They are therefore part of the vast Swirl movement. The stories are the following:

Keisha- A Swirl Romance

Do you love bwwm interracial novels? Keisha- A Swirl Romance will awaken your hidden fantasies and satisfy your innermost desires.

A beautiful African American woman meets a young white foreigner in New York City. A torrid affair begins in an environment whose values regarding acceptance of interracial couples are changing. The woman experiences the clash between certain taboos and feels that loose fragments of her life strive to come together.
The couple builds the relationship overcoming adversity from the circumstances in which they live.
A contemporary novellawithshrewdinsights on certain deeply ingrained attitudes that often go unnoticed.

Reading it will thrill you.

Valentina-Psychological Romance

This novel will make you explore your most intimate and shameful fantasies, those that you have closed down under social taboos. Whether you are a man or a woman putting them in the light of your conscience and your desires will have a liberating effect.

Starting from a naive contemporary dating a young man has stormy sexual relations involving twisted episodes of erotic sadomasochistic character. An Afro-Colombian immigrant girl will do whatever it takes to conquer and pull him out of his situation.

Reading this novella will compel you to reexamine your true inclinations in hidden and profound themes. You will experience an awakening.

NubiaMagickal Thriller

An infamous network of human traffickers surrepticiously brings young women from Africa to New York. One of the girls escapes and a fierce womanhunt begins. In the desperate defense of her life the girl puts at stake unsuspected resources. The trafficking organization includes members located in upper echelons of power in the city that tighten the knot around her.
A vibrant thriller of the noir subgenre that will keep you in suspense from the beginning to its dramatic end.


Cristelle- An Erotic Romance

Do you love bwwm interracial romance? Cristelle will awaken your innermost desires and fantasies.

An African and two Haitian young black women live in Buenos Aires, in a completely different ethnic and cultural environment.

They have to adapt to a society that accepts them but of which they often ignore the rules.

In these circumstances they have to make their living and seek love. For these purposes they do not hesitate to resort to magickal means.

A bittersweet novella with high erotic content. You will love it.

The Sorceress

An African young woman thrives in New York as the owner of a flower store. As she becomes romantically interested in a young white man she realizes that he is under the influence of a dominatrix of sadistic tendencies owning an agency of escorts. Both women will fight for the man with various weapons including hidden powers, spells, enchantments … and also murder.

Kambiri- Amores Prohibidos

Genero: Antología erótica

Kambiri Spa Banner

Encuéntralo en:

Amazon Kindle e-books: http://tinyurl.com/knuue46

Apple iBooks, Kobo, Barnes & Noble, Tolino: https://www.books2read.com/u/bWZjwM



Esta antología incluye cinco nouvelles escritas por Louis Alexandre Forestier en años recientes sobre temas distintos pero con un común denominador: romances entre mujeres afroamericanas y hombres blancos. Son por lo tanto parte del vasto movimiento Swirl. Las historias son las siguientes:


Keisha- Un Romance Swirl

Una hermosa mujer afroamericana conoce en Nueva York a un joven extranjero. Un tórrido romance comienza en un ambiente cuyos valores respecto a la aceptación de parejas interraciales están en transformación. La mujer va experimentando en su vida la liberación de ciertos tabúes y va uniendo los fragmentos sueltos de su vida.

La pareja va construyendo su relación venciendo algunas adversidades procedentes de las circunstancias que les toca vivir.

Una nouvelle de actualidad con sagaces introspecciones de actitudes tan arraigadas como inadvertidas.


Esta novela te hará explorar tus fantasías más íntimas e inconfesables, aquellas que tienes clausurados bajo tabúes sociales. Seas hombre o mujer ponerlas a la luz de tu conciencia y de tus deseos tendrá un efecto liberador.

A partir de un noviazgo contemporáneo ingenuo un hombre joven tiene tormentosas relaciones sexuales que involucran episodios eróticos de carácter sadomasoquista. Una muchacha inmigrante afro-colombiana hará lo que haga falta para conquistarlo.

Imposible leer esta novela sin reexaminar tus verdaderas inclinaciones en temas ocultos y profundos.


Una red de trata de personas ingresa jóvenes mujeres procedentes de África en Nueva York. Una de ellas escapa y comienza una feroz cacería humana. En la desesperada defensa de su vida la muchacha pone en juego recursos insospechados. La organización de traficantes incluye miembros situados en altas esferas de poder que aprietan el cerco en torno a la joven.

Un vibrante thriller del género noir que te mantendrá en vilo desde su comienzo hasta su dramático final.



Tres inmigrantes negras, una africana y dos haitianas buscan al amor en Buenos Aires, un medio muy distinto al que ellas han conocido. A través de vicisitudes van acercándose a su objetivo con retrocesos y avances. Cristelle es una nouvelle romántica cargada de erotismo, que explora las relaciones amorosas interraciales. Hay dosis de humor y un cierto contenido de episodios paranormales, vinculados con los sistemas de creencias de las muchachas. Una historia agridulce que te encantará.

La Danzarina Tribal

Una muchacha africana prospera en Nueva York con un negocio de flores. Cuando se interesa románticamente por un joven blanco advierte que está bajo la influencia de una dominatrix de tendencias sádicas propietaria de una agencia de escorts. Ambas mujeres lucharán por el hombre con diversas armas que incluyen poderes ocultos, hechizos, encantamientos… y también el asesinato.